Located on the West Coast of Africa along the Gulf of Guinea and on the Greenwitch Meridian, Ghana is bordered by Burkina Faso to the North, Cote d'Ivoire to the West, Togo to the East and to the South by the Atlantic Ocean.
Ghana is Africa's friendliest country. Formerly known as the Gold Coast, Ghana stands out as a preferred tourist destination in West Africa with its rich and glorious history, time-honoured traditions and the art, and natural scenic beauty.
The centuries-old monuments along the shores of Ghana which today have become World Heritage Sites attest to Europe's trading links with Africa, and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
Ghana played a pioneering role in Pan-Africanism, leading other African countries to attain independence from colonial rule.
The visitor is enthralled by the fascinating cultural experience that links the past to the present in the institution of chieftaincy and rich regalia, the celebration of annual colourful traditional festivals, a rich array and variety of handicrafts and above all the proverbial Ghanaian hospitality.
Nature lovers will marvell at the richness of the wildlife which includes elephants, monkeys (Boabeng Fiema Monkey Sanctuary), birds. and butterflies and breathtaking views of varied landscape and unspoiled sandy beaches.
Source: Ghana Tourism Athority
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