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  • A guide to the 2022 Birthday celebration within Old School Runescape

    Posted by Muxia Muxia July 9, 2022 - Category: Other 351 views - 0 comments - 0 likes - #Buy Runescape gold 
    The 9th anniversary of OSRS Gold scheduled for February 22nd, the OSRS developer Jagex has put together a brief event to celebrate the OSRS's endurance. The most notable thing is that Jagex held on the city of desert Al-Kharid and is the gateway to the deep Kharidian desert.

    Given that a major expansion of the desert is to be completed in the early part of 2022, with the most fabled Raids 3 -- Tombs of Amascut -the Tombs of Amascut Jagex seems to be viewing this event as a slight preview of what's in store in the old version of the MMO.

    In the meantime the players are able to indulge in a weekend of cooking, fishing and good old-fashioned treasure-hunting. Arnav was waiting in the middle of the bank west of Al-Kharid palace hid undiscovered treasures hidden in the city.

    In a series which are similar to the clue-scroll system, he asks players to complete three puzzles to find out where the chest is. Take a walk around the four statues guarding the central fountain within the courtyard of Al-Kharid palace. Do the dance emote then the next clue should be revealed.

    The anagram is referring to Ranael who runs the platekirt shop to the southeast of the palace. She will give the player the third and final clue if they speak to her. Zeke the salesman who sells scimitars located to the north of the palace, offers steel, iron, bronze and mithril models of the sword. When spoken to Zeke, he challenges the buyer with a further challenge to count each balloon that is placed in the house.

    Larry is located in the oasis far north of the palace. It is situated near the gate leading to Al-Kharid with OSRS Buy Gold. Larry is the fisherman's supervisor and will provide the player with the fishing equipment required to participate, but He will never inform players that there is no way to be found in the oasis. Big Dave, a fellow fisherman participating in the contest has advised purchasing specialty Bait by Ali Morrisane, a merchant that is located just to the east oasis.