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SUNNAH HABBITS TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST - Find out which sunnah habbits of the prophet (pbuh) could cause fast and healthy weight loss inshallah.
Islam is a comprehensive religion and way of life. Allah teaches us in the Quran and also through the sunnah of the prophet peace be upon him, how we should eat and look after our bodies.
If like myself your looking for ways to improve your health by reducing a few of those unwanted weight or fat then I pray that by following these tips, you will be able to get to a more stable and healthier goal.
Losing weight is not all that it takes to be healthy, however, for some who are over weight, there are many health benefits that comes from losing some fat.
As a Muslimah, I just thought it would be interesting to take an Islamic perspective on this issue and to demonstrate that many of the weight loss habits and tips that we are trying to use these days were also recommended by our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Disclaimer: These are just suggestions, I am not a nutritionist or a doctor so please verify and check with your doctor before incorporating any of these habits into your lifestyle.
If you enjoyed this how to lose weight video, sunnah style then give this video a thumbs up and share it with anyone whom you think will benefit inshallah.
Jazakallahu Kharain for watching.
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