Posted by One Africa -
April 29, 2014 -
0 Reviews
Strive Masiyiwa, a Zimbabwean national, is one of Africa’s most respected business leaders. He first came to international prominence when he fought a landmark constitutional legal battle in Zimbabwe. The ruling, which led to the removal of the state monopoly in telecommunications, is generally regarded as a milestone in opening Africa’s telecommunications sector to private capital.
Mr Masiyiwa is chairman and chief executive of Econet Wireless, a global telecommunications group based in South Africa with operations in 18 countries. He is also involved with leading African businesses in areas including financial services, insurance, renewable energy, hotels and safari lodges.
Mr Masiyiwa is internationally recognised for his leadership in campaigning against corruption in Africa and championing the rule of law. He has served on numerous boards and trusts in Zimbabwe and internationally. He is a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and a board member of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.
Mr Masiyiwa is also active in promoting awareness of the impact of AIDS in Africa. He and his wife established and fund a foundation that provides scholarships to more than 25,000 orphans. Mr Masiyiwa and his family live in Johannesburg.