Posted by One Africa -
August 10, 2013 -
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The successor of Serigne Mouhamadou Lamine Bara Mbacke called Serigne Cheikh Maty Leye Mbacké. Aged 86 years, grand-son of Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba is well known for its commitment to Islam in general and the way of Mouridism in particular.
His real name was Sheikh Sidi Mukhtar Mbacke Serigne Cheikh Maty Leye Mbacké, now heads the Murid community. The new Caliph General of Murid's grand-son of Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke by his father Serigne Bara ibn Khadim Rassoul who is the namesake of the Caliph disappeared last night. Serigne Cheikh Maty Leye came into the world in 1924 Mbacké Kadior (district Darou Mousty), a village which is part of the history of Mouridism. Indeed, Mbacké Kadior is the cradle of brotherhood founded by Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke Khadim Rasul. Serigne CheikhMaty Leye was until the caliph's family Serigne Bara ibn Khadim Rasul. It is Mbacké Kadior that his father withdrew Serigne Bara Mbacke to learn the Holy Quran and to his devotion to God. Cheikh Maty Leye has acquired training in the field of mysticism. He also made the work a priesthood, and the best way to show what are the various activities in which it operates, such as agriculture, livestock, etc.. Serigne Cheikh Maty Leye was previously the second character Mouridism, coming after the late Caliph Serigne Mouhamadou Lamine Bara ibn Serigne Mbacke Fallilou Mbacké.
On his accession to the caliphate of Serigne Bara ibn Khadim Rassoul, May 22, 1990, Serigne Cheikh Maty Leye has endeavored to enrich the legacy of his father and two older brothers who beat this caliphate. Thus, it focuses its energy in the erection of "daara" (traditional Islamic schools), but also the construction of mosques, libraries, etc.. To mark its condition at the place of Serigne Bara ibn Rasul Khadimou, he dedicated the house he built in Mbacké Kadior as a "adiya." It was he who renovated the mausoleum of the famous who disappeared later buried in the holy city of Touba. Cheikh Sidi said Sheikh Mukhtar Mbacké Maty Leye Mbacké is known as an open discussion while showing its commitment to the legacy of Khadimou man Rasul. Thus, during a Magal Mbacké Kadior, he invited students to "marry righteousness and not focus only the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, to prevent deviant behavior and to recognize the supervisory authority as Khadim Rassoul recommends in his writings and Kun Katiman Tazaoudou Sikhar or sacrament of youth. " Serigne Cheikh Maty Leye Sheikh had a strong appeal for students to stop the strikes, the ransacking of buses, hunger strikes and return to amphitheaters. His appeal was also went to the place of the Senegalese authorities, since he was asked to find a solution to the issue of grants to end movements often violent students mood.
The successor to Serigne Abdoul Aziz Mbacké the caliphate of Serigne Bara ibn Khadim Rassoul was also spokesman Serigne Bara ibn Serigne Fallou upon accession to the head of the Murid community. December 30, 2007, left his condolences when recalling God to Serigne Saliou, President of the Republic, Master Wade, recalled the close ties that unite with Serigne Cheikh Maty Leye. Wade was received and escorted by Serigne Cheikh Maty Leye on this day of mourning. Serigne Cheikh Maty is known for his generosity in the path of God, he has helped many people to make the pilgrimage to the holy places of Islam by paying them the ticket and taking care of other expenses involved in the trip. This is what 86 years old guide who now supports the rich spiritual heritage of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke.