...the case of Abu-Jamal is a microcosm of greater problems in the criminal justice system in the United States today. Judicial bias, prosecutorial misconduct, racial discrimination in jury selection, police corruption and tampering with evidence to obtain a conviction. are commonly practiced violations within the criminal justice system and account for the disproportionate incarceration of African Americans and Latinos in the United States.
The NYC Free Mumia Coalition just hosted a critical but disturbing update on the latest with the world’s most famous political prisoner.
At issue is how Pennsylvania Corrections will just not give this man the medical treatment he needs and how they now appear to be preparing to subject him to punitive transfer for taking this into court.
People’s attorney Bob Boyle, who played key roles in securing the release of Dhoruba Bin Wahad and most recently Marshall Eddie Conway, reviewed in detail how Mumia’s medical saga actually goes back to 2012 when Mumia was first diagnosed as having the trait for the Hepatitis C that is now ravaging his body.
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