Return to Glory A Travel Guide For African Americans Returning To Roots
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The House of MINDWORKS PUBLISHING releases a summer fun and glorious wisdomic read by Motherland Mogul and Entrepreneur Mama Queen Sheba D Cisse debuts as a author in her first published book entitled Return To Glory, A Travel Guide for African Americans Returning To Roots.
Much more than a mere travel guide, Return to Glory: A Travel Guide for African Americans Returning to Roots, offers a wide range of information about traveling to the African continent, particularly to the country of Senegal.The author, Queen Sheba D. Cisse, reiterates that all of humanity originated in Africa and invites the readers to join her in respectfully glorifying our humble beginnings.
Satisfy your thirst for knowledge and a experience of a life and do yourself a justified favor and purchase Return To Glory available on and August 25th, 2016.
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